

There is a fierce concentration inside of you; dormant — it is in your blood. It is the strength of your ancestors. It is the hammer and anvil of eons which struck the hardened steel of your spirit into a weapon of survival.
— Bryant McGill

Jaguar Totem.
Handmade with recycled sterling silver.

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I once experienced real freedom. It came after many hours of meditation. I was no longer me, no longer the fragments of memory that make up my history. Not a child, nor a daughter, not a sister or an artist. I was not this body or these feelings. I was just space. Empty space. Terrifying and liberating space.

Freedom Totem.
Handmade with recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.


From the deepest waters.

Beluga Totem.
Handmade with recycled sterling silver.


Follow what feels true to you.

Integrity Totem.
Handmade with recycled sterling silver.

Eagle Totem

I brought this one back from my dreams.

Eagle Totem.
Handmade with recycled sterling silver.

7 Years of Jewelry

I created my first jewelry collection seven years ago this month. Since then, I have designed and hand-built over 1,500 one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces. 

I still consider myself a beginner.

These are some of my favorite pieces from the past seven years.
Most of them have sold, and I do not repeat them.
You can see what is available in my online shop.


Abhaya and I are celebrating 8 years of life together. We have been blessed with a beautiful and harmonious relationship. As I once told a friend, when two people who already love life on their own decide to share paths, love multiplies.

Unity necklace.
Handmade with quartz and 100% recycled sterling silver.
This Monday in my online shop.


Note to self: amidst change and turmoil, always stick to your center. 

Wheel of Life necklace.
Handmade with quartz and 100% recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.


My mom and I spent the day downtown. We have been going there to get fabric, findings and art supplies since I was little. We walked for blocks admiring ancient buildings, museum exhibits, crowds of people, and our favorite shops. Whenever I go, I feel a deeper connection to this incredible city.

Connection necklace.
Handmade with quartz and 100% recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.


Did you too learn that secret from the river: that there is no time? ... That the river is everywhere at once, at the source and at the mouth, at the waterfall, at the ferry, at the rapids, in the sea, in the mountains, everywhere at once, and that there is only the present time for it, not the shadow of the past, not the shadow of the future?
— Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha

Crystalline necklace.
Handmade with quartz and 100% recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.


My mother grew up in California. When she was thirty, she met my father and moved to Mexico City to start a family. Every Summer during childhood, we would return to Newport Beach to visit relatives. I will always remember our sunset strolls on smooth sidewalks, where we gazed in awe at landscaped gardens, embraced by the warm, salty air.

Pacific pendant.
Handmade with pink quartz and 100% recycled sterling silver.
This Monday in my online shop.


What do I want? 

Whenever I run out of steam, feel discouraged, or lost, I take time to ponder this question. When I do, I usually discover that I am trying to fulfill other people’s expectations, doing something that no longer interests me, or just need time alone. 

This question has guided my creative path from the start. It defined the materials I use, and the kind of pieces I create; as well as where and how I sell them. It also determines how much I charge for what I make, and the kind of customer I attract. 

When I ask this question, I re-connect with the dreams and ideas I feel most passionate about. Once I am focused, I can get back on my path charged with new energy.

Aligned necklace.
Handmade with amethyst and 100% recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.


For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.
— Rudyard Kipling

Fortitude necklace.
Handmade with labradorite and 100% recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.


I will allow the river of life to guide me. I will not make desperate attempts to stop change. To stop death. I will flow with ease, with joy.

I will look around and appreciate each moment as it passes, lush, green, abundant, alive! I will let go and be free. I will be present while it lasts.

Life necklace.
Handmade with prehenite and 100% recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.


I try to find beauty in balance, in spaciousness, in the relationships that exist between objects. I try to show how simplicity can be abundant.

Landscape necklace
Handmade with 100% recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.